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Windows Multi-User Licensing

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Multiple Users on a Single OS Requires Microsoft Windows Server Licensing

Multiple Users on a Single OS Requires Microsoft Windows Server Licensing
1:1 Virtual Desktop Infrastructure Use Model
Desktop and Laptop Enhancements


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the appropriate MS operating system product for me to license and use for multi-user computing with NComputing products:

A: Microsoft Windows Server products are the operating systems licensed, designed and supported by Microsoft for multiple simultaneous users. You must also obtain the appropriate number of Microsoft OS and client access licenses that are necessary for the number of users or devices that access and use the server. Please refer to the  OS Compatibility Matrix for current OS support information.

Q: Can I run Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 or any other Microsoft client operating system product to allow multiple simultaneous users to access and use the operating system software?

A: No, that is not permitted. You should instead purchase and run the Microsoft Windows Server operating system software that is appropriate for your needs. You must also obtain the appropriate number of Microsoft client access licenses that are necessary for the number of users or devices that access and use the server. Only Microsoft Windows Server software is licensed, designed and supported by Microsoft for multiple simultaneous users.