
Compute Smartly


vSpace Pro Enterprise requires AMP compliance. Once compliant, the L400 or any other supported thin client will connect. Please refer to this KB article for additional information. 

The L400 thin client comes with 1 year hardware warranty. Extended warranty options are available for purchase.

vSpace Console: an integrated device management solution that comes with vSpace Pro that includes built-in classroom management features, allows for easy configuration and updates of devices, real-time session management, and monitoring of users. Administrators may define a device template with all settings and configurations, then clone and push it to new devices. All can be centrally managed and provisioned by the IT admin, allowing for control of hundreds of L400 devices with just a few clicks.

The L400 provides extensive USB peripheral support, including mass storage, printers, smart card readers, headsets or speakers, webcams, hubs, signature pads, and COM ports, in addition to the standard keyboard and mouse. Additional peripheral support may be added.

No. The L400 is designed and optimized specifically for vSpace Pro Desktop Virtualization. No other VDI operation modes are supported.

Yes, L400 supports the UXP Turbo protocol. The UXP Turbo protocol for vSpace Pro Enterprise delivers an enhanced desktop experience with PC-like performance for 3D rendering, browser scrolling, video playback and multimedia-intensive applications running on Windows 10, 11, or Windows Server 2022 and 2025. Host systems equipped with supported graphic cards will significantly benefit from this protocol.

Yes, L400 supports vCAST Streaming technology. NComputing vCAST Streaming reduces server-side CPU usage when streaming media, both from sources like YouTube and local media content, all without requiring expensive GPUs. By offloading server CPU resources to the client side for direct rendering & playback, vCAST delivers smooth media streaming, reduces network bandwidth, lowers server CPU usage, and allows for more concurrent users per server.

The purchase of L400 comes with the perpetual vSpace Pro connection device license. L400 future firmware upgrades will not require any additional license.

If the organization requires PMC Endpoint Manager to manage the L400 thin clients, subscribing to vSpace Pro AMP will be necessary.
