Installing VERDE Using RPMs
Installation using the RPM method is recommended when there is a specific IT mandate for a company approved CentOS or Red Hat corporate standard. In these cases, installing a pre-configured VERDEOS is not your best solution. A second reason for using the RPM based installation method is valid for customers who want more fine-grained control over the settings and packages installed in their Linux operating system. Finally, while VERDEOS is good for many installations, when new hardware or updated driver packages are released for a Linux distribution, it is not always possible or practical for VERDEOS to stay current on these updates. In these cases, VERDEOS may not be suitable for the newest hardware, and the RPM installation method will more than likely support those latest updates.
If using the RPM method, it is assumed that you have already downloaded and installed Red Hat or CentOS on your server. You will also need to obtain a set of VERDE RPMs from NComputing. Contact your NComputing sales partner to acquire about these packages.
- It is assumed that an intermediate level of Linux administration skills exists and that there is a network in place on the server that will allow access to an external site for installing updates and VERDE licenses.
- While RDE 8.x will run on any CentOS or Red Hat version from 6.4 through 6.9, our engineering and QA reference model was based on CentOS 6.9. We currently do not recommend or provide support for Red Hat 7.
- All servers in a cluster must be installed with the same installation type, in this case using the RPM installation method. Each server in a VERDE cluster requires the same RPM version and VERDE-specific base configuration settings.
- Tomcat installs as part of the VERDE installation package; therefore, it is unnecessary to install virtualization support or Tomcat during the operating system installation.
- Register with Red Hat Network (RHN) to install additional packages using yum.
Confirm that virtualization (VT) is enabled in the BIOS.
To verify that the CPU is virtualization capable, run the following commands:
Intel processors:
egrep '^flags.*(vmx)' /proc/cpuinfo
AMD processors:
egrep '^flags.*(svm)' /proc/cpuinfo
If neither command produces an output, then virtualization is not enabled. Boot into the server bios and follow the hardware vendor’s steps to enable VT support.
Shared storage is an important consideration when installing VERDE. Shared storage is a requirement for any VERDE clustered implementation, but it can also be valuable when starting out with a single server. VERDE maintains its internal structures in /home/vb-verde
, and therefore needs access to this folder—whether in a single server or clustered environment. By starting out on a single server with an attached network storage device, future upgrades to a multi-server VERDE installation will be much easier, as you will not have to move /home/vb-verde
to a NAS device later when two or more servers need to share the single instance of a common vb-verde structure.
When installing VERDE with a NAS device, CentOS requires a custom partition layout to keep /home/vb-verde
from being created as a local file path during the VERDE installation.
Prior to installing the VERDE RPMs, a number of basic CentOS configuration steps need to be performed:
- Ensure the server network connection is enabled and that you can ping the gateway from the server
- Ensure you can ping the server from the workstation/client you're going to use to access the VERDE User Console and VERDE SW Client
- As root, run the following updates. Note: that some may have already been installed via the previous yum updates and these commands should be run as verification.
# yum --enablerepo=updates --enablerepo=base --assumeyes update openssl
# yum --enablerepo=updates --enablerepo=base --assumeyes update libpng
# yum --enablerepo=updates --enablerepo=base --assumeyes install java-1.8.0-openjdk.x86_64
# yum --enablerepo=updates --enablerepo=base --assumeyes install gtk2
# yum --enablerepo=updates --enablerepo=base --assumeyes install zip unzip
# yum --enablerepo=updates --enablerepo=base --assumeyes install ntpdate ntp-doc
- Set the clock if needed:
# chkconfig ntpd on
# /etc/init.d/ntpd start
- If you are planning to use a NFS/NAS (Shared Storage Device), perform the following before installing the VERDE software:
- Run the following on the local server (not the NAS/NFS)
# yum -y install nfs-utils nfs-utils-lib
- Run the mount command. It must include the mount command, the data format, the desired flags, the server name, storage volume and where it’s being mounted to
….. /home/vb-verde
Here are two examples:
# mount -t nfs4 -o rw,noatime /home/vb-verde
# mount -t nfs -o rw,noatime /home/vb-verde
- Create the vb-verde user with a password that never expires.
# useradd vb-verde
# passwd vb-verde
- Then add vb-verde to the root group:
# usermod -G root vb-verde
Confirm that the following items are true for this account:
- The account is not the root user.
- The password of this account will not expire.
- The UID/GID must be identical across all servers.
- The account has a unique home directory that resides on the same file system as the VERDE Server.
- Create the following file: (include the – in the text on each line)
#vi /etc/security/limits.d/95-verde.conf
- nproc - 1
- nofile 65535
- Set JAVA 8 as the default java version:
# sudo update-alternatives --config java
- VERDE is inherently secure with its use of TLS security and encryption however you will need to ensure that specific ports are available for certain tasks.
Ports and Their Functions
During the installation, we suggest you simply disable security to save time. (For security reasons, we recommend that the use of iptables or some other firewall mechanism be in place prior to production.)
# /etc/init.d/iptables stop
- Turn iptables off so they do not restart during reboots:
# chkconfig iptables off
- SELINUX: (at a minimum, SELINUX must be in permissive mode—normally we suggest disabling it)
#vi /etc/sysconfig/selinux
- Confirm that the following items are true for this account:
- The account is not the root user.
- The password of this account will not expire.
- The UID/GID is identical across all servers.
- The account has a unique home directory that resides on the same file system as the VERDE Server.
- Create the ISO root directory:
# mkdir /home/vb-verde/ISO
- Install the ISO files to use for creating your desktop gold images. Your ISO files should have the following permissions: d-rw-r--r-- 1 root root. Example:
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3698128896 Jan 19 17:28 Win10_32.iso
Port | Used for |
8443 | Access to the Management Console |
3389 | Access to RDP connection |
48622 | Access to Spice connection |
48632 | Optional for customers using cloud branch (Smartsync) technology |
22 | Optional for times when the admin wants to SSH into the VERDE server |
- Copy all VERDE RPM's to the server's root directory. They should resemble the following (dependent on the build number):
VERDE-clients-rel--<build number>.x86_64.rpm
VERDE-core-rel-<build number>.x86_64.rpm
VERDE-guests-rel-<build number>.x86_64.rpm
VERDE-network-rel-<build number>.x86_64.rpm
VERDE-web-rel-<build number>.x86_64.rpm
VERDE-rel- <build number>.x86_64.rpm
- Run the following install command:
#yum --nogpgcheck install VERDE*.rpm
You will be asked several questions. Reply "yes" to all of them.
In an RPM-based installation method the configuration script can run in interactive, menu, or in unattended modes.
- Run the script as root with the following command:
# /usr/lib/verde/bin/verde-config [options] [-h|-u|-m|-i|<none>].
- Once the configuration applet completes the VERDE service will automatically be stopped:
# reboot
- When VERDE comes back up, ensure the service is running:
# service LICSRV status
Script Options
Script Options -h Prints command help. -u Starts an unattended configuration, which requires an answer file. -m Starts a menu-based configuration, which enables direct access to specific parameters. <none> If VERDE has already been configured on this server, this option sets up some system files and restarts VERDE. Otherwise, an unattended installation is performed (with optional parameters provided with VERDE_CONFIG_CMDLINE). -i Starts an interview-based (interactive) configuration with prompts to answer all configuration questions. If a default value is available, it is listed. Press Enter to accept the default value. If no value is present, pressing Enter will leave the value empty. -f <file> Specifies an answer file to be used with an unattended installation. -l Specifies that only the local server configuration is updated (/var/lib/verde/settings.node). -n Specifies no restart of the VERDE Server when finished. Using the –i command line option walks you through the standard configuration options needed to properly configure VERDE. All of the configuration questions will have a default value and for the most part these default values will be sufficient. You will not have defaults for the required network IP information and you will need to be prepared to have the IP address for your internal and external network IPs, your gateway, and DNS server.
To launch the interactive configuration script use:
# /usr/lib/verde/bin/verde-config -i
The VERDE for bare metal installation enables a port-redirection from VERDE ports 443 (https) and 80 (http) to standard ports 8443 (https) and 8080 (http). The redirected ports cannot be properly changed through the verde-config post installation script. If necessary, these ports can be changed by editing the following file:
Edit the last two lines in the file to change the port numbers. This change requires a full VERDE Server restart.
To disable the redirection completely, run the following command as root:
# chkconfig rinetd off
This change also requires a full VERDE Server restart.
Run the VERDE script with the following command to view all questions:
# /usr/lib/verde/bin/verde-config -i
Once completed, a configuration summary is displayed. Press "ENTER" to save changes.
VERDE will restart or press "Ctrl+C" to quit without saving changes.
Q & A: Configuration Script
Interactive Mode Questions | Description | Default Value |
What is the VERDE Management Console account? | This account owns the VERDE configuration files, Gold Images, and related configuration settings. The VERDE software runs with the privileges of this account as a system account. When entering names that contain backslashes, be sure to enter a corresponding escape sequence by typing two backslashes. For example: domain\\vb-verde If the letter that follows the backslash is “n”, “r”, or “t” then enter four backslashes. For example: domain\\\\nt\\user | vb-verde |
What is the role of this server? | Option 1) The server can act as a cluster master, runs the VERDE Management Console, but will not host VDI sessions. This option is typically used in clustering environments. Option 2) This server is a cluster master candidate, runs the VERDE Management Console, and hosts VDI sessions. Select this option for standalone server deployment or in cluster configurations for cluster master fail-over. Option 3) The server only hosts VDI sessions. This option is used in cluster environments with multiple servers. Option 4) A gateway server relays VDI connections to other servers shielding them from direct internet connections. It does not host VDI sessions nor serve as a cluster master candidate. | 2 |
What is the public IP or FQDN of this server, to be used for management traffic? | Enter the public IP or the fully qualified domain name of this server. This name or address needs to be resolvable from other servers in the cluster. Note: VERDE Management Console uses this information for reporting. If the IP address is used instead of the server name, changing the IP address requires editing this value in the verde-config script | <Servername> |
What is the public IP or FQDN, to be used for user traffic? | This is the address for VERDE User Console connections. The default is the address entered in question 3. | <Servername> |
What are the initial resource tags for this server? |
Categories are pre-defined and not editable:
The list of tags within a category will also support a wildcard option (*). When ORG:* is specified, it is a shortcut for specifying a list of all available organization tags. VERDE event reports all known tags using the same value format. |
No default and can be left empty. |
How often should branches synchronize? | This parameter defines how often the changes to the Gold Images, settings, deployment rules, and related settings will be synchronized with the central server. | 5 |
Is this a branch server? | If this is a VERDE Cloud Branch environment, one branch download server is required per branch. Select “Yes” if the server is a cloud branch server. Additional questions display. | No |
On which port should VERDE Management Console and VERDE User Console run? | Enter the https port on which the User Console is available to end users. The VERDE Management Console and User Console will also communicate on port 8080. | 8443 |
What character should be used to replace space characters in user names? | In order to be able to use spaces in user names, the space must be substituted by a “dummy” character. This character will be used by PowerBroker during the authentication process with Microsoft Active Directory. For example, the “User Principal Name" or "UPN” would be “test^user” where the space is replaced the “^” symbol. | ^ |
The following settings are used only when Read Cache I/O is enabled in the VERDE Management Console | These settings apply to cluster environments where multiple servers share a central storage (NAS). |
Q & A: Configuring the Branch Server
The VERDE configuration script can also run in menu mode, which enables direct access to specific parameters. Run the script with the following command:
# /usr/lib/verde/bin/verde-config -m
These options are listed as:
*** VERDE Server Configuration ***Please select an item to configure:
1) Set VERDE Management account
Node settings:
2) Set server's role
3) Set role-specific settings
Cluster settings:
4) Set VERDE Administrator user account
5) Set VERDE Branch download settings
6) Set other cluster-wide settings
7) Set Read CacheI/O settings
8) Set Write CacheI/O settings
v) View configuration
s) Save settings, restart VERDE and exit
q) Quit without saving
Select an item and press "Enter." A subset of interview questions is listed.
The VERDE configuration script can run in unattended mode. This enables quick set up of several servers, which is useful when VERDE is deployed in a cluster environment. Cluster-wide settings only need to be configured once. It is possible to run concurrent installations on multiple servers.
The setup parameters are defined in a configuration file that is specified as an option when running the script. Run the script with the following command:
# /usr/lib/verde/bin/verde-config -f <file> -u
A sample answer file is provided in /usr/lib/verde/etc/verde-config-answer-file.txt
as a template. The file can be located anywhere on the server. Specify the correct path when running the configuration script.
The verde-config-answer-file.txt
contains the following. Update it according to your requirements.
# Sample verde-config answer file
# ------ VERDE Node configuration ------
# mc_user default: vb-verde
# server_role values: CM_Only, CM_VDI, VDI_Only, Gateway; default: CM_VDI
# pubaddr required only if server_role is CM_VDI or VDI_Only; default: output # of hostname -f
# debug_level values: note, info, dbg; default: note
# ------ VERDE Cluster configuration ------
# master_admin default: mcadmin1
# leaf_update_port default: 8080
# username_space_replacement default: ^
# ------ Cache I/O configuration ------
# snap_dir default: empty
# cacheio_dir required if cache I/O will be used, default:
# /var/lib/verde/cacheio
# cacheio_sync_interval default: 4 minutes
# ------ Branch server configuration ------
# cloud_addr if empty then server is not a branch server
# cloud_username required if cloud_addr is not empty
# cloud_password required if cloud_addr is not empty
# cloud_domain default: empty
# branch_user_data_sync_time default: 1:00 (i.e. 1 AM)
# branch_sync_interval default: 5 minutes
There are two methods for beginning an install on a multi-server environment:
- Install the first node manually, then use it to build and test the response file.
- Use the unattended method to install all of the nodes.
Since the cluster will likely include a mix of cluster master candidates as well as VDI-only servers, two response files are needed:
- cluster master candidate response file
- VDI server response file
Cluster Master Candidate response file (example
Update as many parameters as needed. However, the server role must be set to “CM_VDI”
VDI Server response file (example answer.vdi)
Set the server role to “VDI-Only”
# answer.vdi
It is possible to use environment variables to run the VERDE installation. Command line options can be entered with the VERDE_CONFIG_CMDLINE variable.
To upgrade the VERDE system, on rpm-based distributions (CentOS/RHEL), remove the VERDE package prior to running the installation command.
First confirm the VERDE installation package is available to all the nodes, then install.
RPM-based installation:
VERDE_CONFIG_CMDLINE="-f <response file> -u" rpm --install <VERDE package>
Debian package installation:
VERDE_CONFIG_CMDLINE="-f <response file> -u" dpkg --install <VERDE pack-age>
On the Cluster Master Candidate Nodes
VERDE_CONFIG_CMDLINE="-f /home/vb-verde/temp/ -u" \
rpm --install VERDE-7.0.xxxxx.x86_64.rpm
On the VDI Nodes
VERDE_CONFIG_CMDLINE="-f /home/vb-verde/temp/answer.vdi -u" \
A gateway is a server network node that provides access into and out of a network. Set up VERDE Gateways to communicate with VERDE servers located in a secure environment. VERDE Gateways reside within the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) to reduce exposure to internal servers. VERDE Gateways provide secure public network access and grant remote users proper access to the internal network where VERDE, applications, resources, and internal data resides. Communication between client devices and the isolated gateway is encrypted. Users must log in to the secure network with valid user credentials to access their virtual desktop (s).
This figure shows one of many ways to set up this configuration.
An isolated gateway requires the following:
- At least one VERDE server.
- At least one network interface controller (NIC) with access to both internal and public networks, or two NICs (one for internal access and one for external).
- Configure Isolated Gateway Servers to reside within the authorized demilitarized zone (DMZ).
Before configuring the cluster master and the VERDE Gateway servers, prepare the following:
- Download the VERDE installation package onto the cluster master candidates and the Isolated Gateway server(s).
- On the GTW server, designate a system user (vb-verde) with the same UUID and GUID as the infrastructure. The system user is the designated isolated gateway administrator role.
- Determine the IP addresses of each cluster master candidate. Set up of Isolated Gateways requires a list of assigned server IP addresses for use during VERDE configuration.
- Set up the following ports to facilitate communication between the public network and the internal data center via the Isolated Gateway host(s).
- Public Network —> DMZ
- 48622 Public IP —> 48622 Gateway IP
- 443 Public IP —> 8443 Gateway IP (or forward 8443 —> 8443. The first setting does not require appending a port on a URL).
- DMZ —> Internal Network
- Secure LDAP —> port 636 (encrypted) or 389 (non-encrypted) on the LDAP server Clear LDAP —> port 389 on the LDAP server
- 48616 Gateway IP —> 48616 cluster master IP(s) 48622 Gateway IP —> 48622 VDI server IP(s)
Virtualization on the server is not required because the Isolated Gateway is not used to host VDI sessions. Isolated Gateway(s) acts as a proxy for the cluster master, and UXP, SPICE or RDP traffic.
Only configure the vb-verde user with matching UID/GID on CM/VDI satellites (RPM based installation methods).
Configure the VERDE gateway in a test environment prior to implementing it in a production environment to ensure that all settings work correctly.
Q & A: Gateway Configuration Settings
What is the VERDE Management Console account? | Enter the vb-verde user or the equivalent VERDE Console system account user defined on the VERDE Server for the designated environment. |
What is the role of this server? | Enter option 4: VERDE Gateway only (connection broker). |
Is this an Isolated Gateway server? | Enter yes. |
What is/are the public IP address(es) or FQDN(‘s) of the Cluster Master(s)? | The public IP address or FQDN is not needed on a Gateway server. When specifying multiple addresses, separate them by semi-colons. Enter a semicolon delimited list of the IP address(es) of the cluster master candidate(s) in your environment (for example, CM_Only or CM_VDI in /var/lib/ver-de/settings.node). For example: VERDE_GATEWAY_CM_LIST=;; |
Who is the master VERDE Management Console administrator? | Enter the VERDE Management Console system account user. For example, mcadmin1. |
Is this a branch server? | Enter no regardless of whether this server will be a gateway for the core VERDE server or whether it will be a gateway for a branch server. |
On which port should the VERDE Management Console and User Console run? | Enter 8443 or the port that will be used for https access to the User Console on the Isolated Gateway. Tomcat runs as a non-privileged user, so the port must be greater than 1024. |
What character should be used to denote a space in user names? | Enter the default value of ^ or choose another character. |
What local directory should be used for Read Cache I/O? | The following settings are used only when Read Cache I/O is enabled in the VERDE Management Console. Use the default value; the Isolated Gateway does not get cached GI copies because it does not host any VDI sessions. |
How often should VDI nodes synchronize gold images from external storage (1-600 minutes) | The recommended value is 600 since the local cache copies are not used by the Isolated Gateway |
What local directory should be used for Write Cache I/O? | Leave the default value (empty to use the users’ home directories). The Isolated Gateway does not get cached copies of Gold Images since it does not host any VDI sessions. |
A free trial VERDE license is automatically provided upon successful registration of your installation.
When you first login as the VERDE Administrator you will be asked to register your VERDE installation. You may use an existing NComputing account or create a new one at this time.
After you have registered your installation the VERDE License management system will automatically enable the free trial license.
Contact the NComputing Global, Inc. sales team at for more information about obtaining more licenses.
A detailed description of the license management system is described in the VERDE Administration and Management Guide.